
We undertake the restoration of an object regardless of how damaged it is. In restoration we use traditional restoration procedures.

What do we gain with restoration?

A correctly carried out restoration procedure prolongs the lifespan of an object or building. It gives it back the usability and attraction with irreplaceable patina (patina is an antique look which arises with the use of climatic factors over a longer period of time and their effects), which tells the story of the object’s life. The value of the object increases.
Restored reproduction furniture and other old wooden equipment give your home soul and homeliness you and your visitors need to feel good every day.


Restoration procedure

Each restoration procedure is adapted to the actual condition of the object. But during a restoration procedure we mainly do the following:

  • documentation
  • scientific research
  • conditioning
  • cleaning
  • protection against insects and fungi
  • construction repairs with static restoration and building new parts
  • puttying
  • surface treatment (retouching, oiling, waxing, shellac polish)
  • restoration of furniture framework
  • assembling and installation of furniture framework
  • instructions for handling the object.

Why wood deteriorates?

As most materials wood is also subject to degradation. Changing climatic conditions and wood pests, such as insects, putridity and wood fungi, are the most dangerous for wood deterioration. Wood damage can be caused by a single factor or a combination of many. Damage caused by the above stated pests is mainly permanent. It is therefore very important that you protect the object attacked by wood pests from further deterioration as soon as possible.

Environmentally friendly restoration.

In restoration we strive for the use of environmentally friendly materials. You will therefore see a lot of natural materials in our workshop, such as:


(ruby, orange, lemon, colourless)


(damar, copal, Gum arabic, mastic)


(beeswax, carnauba, microcrystalline wax)


(linseed, straw, paraffin, tung, walnut)



(bone, skin, rabbit, fish)






Reproduction furniture of all periods:

Chests, closets, bedrooms,dressers,
tables, chairs, letterboxes, wooden clocks and other furniture

Sacral equipment

Sacristy cabinets, church benches, kneeling benches, organ cabinets, wooden chapels, divine graves, choirs, and the rest of wooden equipment.

Wooden music instruments

Pianos, upright pianos, guitars, violins and other old wooden instruments

as well as other ethnological objects. We undertake the restoration of an object regardless of how damaged it is. In restoration we use traditional restoration procedures.

The best for old furniture.

Professional training in Venice at the best professors’ from Italy, France and Germany and years of experience guarantee that the restoration work in accordance with your wishes.

Warmth and elegance

Old furniture is not only useful but also esthetical, pleasant and represents a true connection with the past. The style from the previous century still brings warmth and elegance to the room.

Check out our references.

Restoration of wooden constructions

Restoration and static restoration of wooden constructions.

Wood is an extremely important architectural element which was very popular in construction of old buildings. Restoration enables us to keep the majority of wooden constructions. Restored wooden constructions give old buildings a unique time stamp which cannot be replaced with new wood or other, newer materials.

Restoration enables us static arrangement of clapped-out elements so that they can still perform their function for years to come.

Static restoration of wooden constructions

With the most demanding static restorations we use epoxy and polyester resin in combination with carbon fibre, steel, glass fibre and sticks or bands.


Check out our references.

Restoration of fixtures

Entrance doors, interior doors, partition walls, displays and windows.

Preservation of outdoor fixtures is extremely important for nice and harmonious outlook of old houses. No new fixture can completely replace the original old furniture.

The most common reason for replacing old fixtures with new ones is excessive heat loss. We can significantly decrease heat loss and ensure better safety and fire resistance by making small changes to the fixtures.

Check out our references.

Your visitors cannot come to your house without going through your entrance door. Let your entrance door give them a nice message about you.

Razvili smo postopek

S pomočjo vodilnih strokovnjakov smo razvili sistem za vakuumsko impregniranje-utrjevanje lesenih predmetov. Z vakuumskim impregniranjem se zaščiti in utrdi slab les. Postopek omogoča uporabo različnih utrjevalcev in zagotavlja impregnacijo po celotni debelini..

Les ima veliko škodljivcev

Kot naravni material je les zelo podvržen degradaciji, še posebno, ko pridejo v stik z lesom insektni in fungicidni škodljivci. V lesu pride do poškodb, ki bistveno spremenijo osnovne lastnosti lesa. Poškodbe so tudi tako hude, da resno ogrozijo nadaljni obstoj predmeta.

Ročno impregniranje

Za ohranitev najhuje poškodovanih elementov so restavratorji pričeli z ročnim utrjevanjem slabega lesa s pomočjo lepil in naravnih ter umetnih smol. Z ročnim načinom utrjevanja se je lahko uspešno pri elementih manjšega volumna, ker utrjevalec pri ročnem nanašanju ne prodre po celotni masi predmeta.

Pri ročnem impregniranju-utrjevanju večjih predmetov se utrdi zgolj zunanji sloj medtem ko notranjosti ne utrdijo.

Vakumsko impregniranje

nam da odlične rezultate, prav na najbolj poškodovanem lesu so najboljši rezultati. Zanimiv je podatek da je imel kos lesa pred impregniranjem težo 1kg, takoj po impregniranju pa je imel težo 2,38kg. Po klimatizaciji in zorenju je teža predmeta 1,37kg. Teža se je povečala na račun impregnanta s katerim se je utrdilo predmet.

Naslednji tečaj


Nasednji tečaj poteka med 12. 9. - 17. 9. 2022


Gaberje 4, 6222 Štanjel


35ur (5dni x 7ur).



Prijavi se zdaj!

Seznanite se s pravilnim pristopom k restavriranju pohištva in etnoloških predmetov. Tečaj je razdeljeni na teoretični in praktični del in so namenjeni vsem starostnim skupinam. Za zaključene skupine obseg in trajanje tečaja prilagodimo individualnim potrebam.

Send an inquiry

On the right side you can see an inquiry form for our services. Please describe your wishes as detailed as you can and we will reply with our offer as soon as we can.